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A. Smith Bill to Help Ease Infant Formula Shortage Signed into Law

July 26, 2022

American parents and caregivers are still struggling to keep their children fed amidst the Biden Administration’s slow response to a nationwide baby formula shortage and supply chain crises.


READ: Formula Shortage is Latest Failure of Biden Administration


Now, President Biden has signed a bipartisan bill to temporarily suspend tariffs on FDA-approved infant formula, led by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE), Republican Leader of the House Ways and Means Committee’s Trade Subcommittee.


Rep. Smith released the following statement:


“I thank President Biden for signing the Formula Act. No family should worry whether shelves will be stocked with the formula they need to feed their infants. 


“While I certainly wish the president would have acted sooner—and we’re still waiting on a comprehensive plan to address the shortage of infant formula—families need action now. 


“This measure will help make formula more accessible and affordable by easing tariffs on imported, FDA-approved products while domestic production ramps back up. This is a step in the right direction, but our work cannot end here. We must ensure a crisis like this never happens again.”



  • Working women haven’t had it this bad in decades: they’re seeing a dangerous baby formula shortage, rising crime, rising prices, and woman-owned businesses are facing both a worker shortage and double digit inflation on the things they buy.
  • HHS Secretary Becerra knew about this shortage since last year, yet the FDA only took steps to reopen a critical U.S. manufacturing facility in May.
  • In June, Smith was the Republican co-lead on H.R. 8174, the Affordable and Accessible Infant Formula Act. 
  • On July 13, 2022, the Formula Act (H.R. 8351) was introduced with minor technical changes to mirror Senator Mike Lee’s (R-UT) bill. H.R. 8351 overwhelmingly passed the House on a 421-2 vote on July 15, 2022, and passed the Senate unanimously on July 21, 2022. On Friday, the White House announced President Biden had signed the bill. 


WATCH: A. Smith: Senate Passage of Formula Act Helps Families Feed Infants


READ: A. Smith: Americans Can’t Afford More of Dems’ Failed Leadership on Broken Supply Chains