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ONE-PAGER: Republicans Will Use Oversight to Protect Working Families from the Biden Admin’s Broken Policies

November 18, 2022

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Ways and Means Republicans have laid the groundwork for numerous investigations into the Biden Administration’s abuses of power. Transparency and accountability are essential because the American people deserve to know how their government works. 

Members have sent letters covering the 12 following topics:

Illegal Expansion of Obamacare: Thanks to Obamacare, Americans are paying higher health care costs for less access, yet Democrats’ only solution is to keep expanding it, including its latest illegal rewrite. Republicans want to know how the Administration justifies these partisan decisions that make health care for American families worse. 

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Pandemic Fraud: Taxpayers deserve answers on the greatest theft of tax dollars in history. Republicans have repeatedly sought information about the billions of taxpayer dollars stolen, worked to stop the ‘pay and chase’ model, and have reforms to protect taxpayer dollars.

IRS Destruction of Vital Taxpayer Information: Struggling families need their tax refunds, but the IRS has yet to make it through the historic backlog of tax filings. Unfortunately, the agency destroyed 30 million taxpayer documents last year and have refused to provide justification for the decision that’s left taxpayers in the lurch.

President Biden’s Global Tax Surrender: The Biden Administration is negotiating with European nations to forfeit American tax revenue to foreign competitors and undermine Congress’s authority over U.S. tax law. Republicans want to protect American workers and businesses from this global tax surrender.

Giving Away Billions of Dollars in America’s Innovative Medical Technology: By giving away billions of dollars in medical technology that would primarily advantage our competitors, Democrats are discouraging the development of future innovative vaccines and therapies. Republicans are fighting to protect American medical innovation.

ARPA Stimulus Check Waste and Abuse: To this day, the Biden Administration does not know how many pandemic-era dollars were improperly paid or lost to fraud. Republicans want all documentation related to where and to whom these tax dollars were sent, and what, if any, attempts the Administration has made to combat, recoup, or at the very least account for, this misuse of funds.

Child Tax Credit (CTC) Oversight: Republicans are demanding answers on how Democrats dangerously distorted the GOP-created CTC and turned it into a wasteful stimulus program that fueled inflation and discouraged work. 

Nursing Home Deaths: Republicans are renewing calls for data and transparency from HHS to shine a light on the real impact of blue-state nursing home policies that may have led to COVID-19 infected residents to being readmitted and causing unnecessary deaths.

ProPublica Leak: Every time President Biden has been in the White House, Pro Publica has received a criminal leak of sensitive, taxpayer information. Yet Biden officials have yet to make public the findings of their investigation, or even to admit what was stolen. Congress and the American people deserve to know what happened and who is responsible.

IRS Bank Surveillance: The American people oppose the Biden Administration’s proposed scheme to turn their banks into local chapters of the IRS and monitor their private financial transactions. They deserve to know whether the Biden Administration still supports the proposal.

Taxpayers Awaiting Tax Refunds as IRS Makes Little Progress on Backlog: American taxpayers are still waiting for refunds from the IRS, and it’s unlikely the historic backlog will be cleared by the end of the year, despite assurances from top officials. The American people deserve to know why.

IRS Solicits Tax Credit Filings Before Election Day: The suspicious timing of 9 million letters to individuals who might be eligible for government checks right before the election appears political.  The extension of time to file seems to contradict typical IRS procedures and is likely to have serious consequences for millions of Americans still waiting for tax refunds while also potentially increasing the risk of fraud.

For a printable version of this one-pager, CLICK HERE.