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Chairman Smith Statement on Executive Branch Action to Implement Ways and Means Republicans’ De Minimis Reforms

September 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the Biden-Harris Administration announced its intention to begin a rulemaking process that eventually would curb the flow of imports entering the United States from China under de minimis trade rules that exempt such shipments from tariffs. Many of the changes the Administration intends to make through the slower rulemaking process mirror a legislative solution by Rep. Greg Murphy (NC-03) and Ways and Means Republicans that was passed by the Committee in April of this year and would take immediate effect if enacted.

Chairman Smith said, “They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I am pleased Democrats in Washington are once again acknowledging that Republicans’ tough-on-China trade policy works. The Biden-Harris Administration has not only kept President Trump’s Section 301 tariffs on China in place for nearly four years, but it now is beginning a rulemaking process that would directly mirror Ways and Means Committee-passed legislation designed to prevent China from evading those tariffs.

“Given that the Biden Administration has finally embraced Republicans’ common sense reforms to prevent China’s abuse of the de minimis threshold, I am hopeful that House Democrats will work with us to codify this policy into law and make other common-sense reforms to enforce our trade laws and secure our supply chains. Reform of our de minimis law is an urgent priority, and legislation can end China’s abuse much more rapidly than any lengthy rulemaking process by the Executive Branch could. The United States must do everything we can to put a stop to China’s unfair trade practices and protect American small businesses, manufacturers, and workers.”

ONE PAGER: The End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act

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