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Brady, J. Smith Demand Full Accounting for Unprecedented Waste & Abuse of Biden’s $2 Trillion So-Called Stimulus

October 27, 2022

Not only did President Biden’s $2 trillion so-called American Rescue Plan fuel 40-year high inflation and worsen the labor shortage, it cut checks to illegal immigrants and sent millions of taxpayer dollars to special interests’ pet projects.

Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Ways and Means member and Republican Leader of the House Committee on Budget Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) wrote a letter to Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen requesting all documentation related to where and to whom these tax dollars were sent, and what, if any, attempts the Biden Administration has made to combat, recoup, or at the very least account for, this misuse of funds.

In the letter, the members wrote:

Although Democrats claimed this law was about defeating COVID- 19, less than 9 percent of its total funding was allocated for public health to actually combat the virus, while $500 billion was allocated for state and local government bailouts. […] This waste of American taxpayer dollars undoubtedly demonstrates a failure of government and a failure of leadership. The Biden Administration must account for where and how it spent these taxpayer dollars.” 

Read the full letter here.

Key Takeaways:

The Biden-Flation Crisis is a Direct Result of the Nearly $2 Trillion So-Called American Rescue Plan. 

  • Analysis confirms that inflation has increased since the day President Biden took office in January 2021, and began its rise to the fastest rate in 40 years the month directly after Democrats rammed through their partisan $2 trillion so-called COVID stimulus in March 2021.
  • Thanks to the massive spending bill, Americans paid an extra $3,500 inflation tax last year and will be spending another $5,900 this year just to afford basic goods and services.

READ: Fact Check: Biden Budget Director is Wrong–American Inflation Isn’t Just Part of a Global Trend

Democrats Have Given the Biden Administration a Pass for the Waste and Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars.

  • Democrats blocked Rep. Jason Smith’s request for a full and thorough accounting of where and to whom this money has gone, and what, if any, attempts the Biden Administration has made to combat, recoup, or at the very least account for, this waste of taxpayer dollars.
  • Less than nine percent of the $2 trillion in funding in the Biden Administration’s so-called COVID “rescue” bill was allocated to combatting the virus.
  • The remaining 91 percent has left a massive trail of waste and abuse – including $783 million in stimulus checks to prisoners, $400 million for state parks and trails in Michigan, and even $140 million for a luxury hotel in Florida, and billions more.

READ: Democrats Block Congressional Inquiry Into Tax Dollars Sent to Felons, Deceased

Republicans’ Commitment to America Includes a Government that’s Held Accountable.

  • Under the Commitment to America, Republicans pledge to hold the government accountable. 
  • In January 2022, Top Republican leaders of the House Committees on Ways & Means, Budget, and Energy & Commerce sent a letter to the Biden Administration demanding a full and thorough accounting for the waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars.

READ: Less Than a Dime of Every Dollar in Biden’s COVID Spending Went to Fighting COVID