WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after President Trump signed a presidential memorandum initiating his America First Trade Policy, including prompt use of a wide range of enforcement tools to address unfair and unbalanced trade, secure key supply chains, and defend our economic and national security:
“President Trump has wasted no time in demanding better treatment of American workers and businesses, as the American people clearly voted for him to do. Directing his cabinet and other key advisors on trade and economic issues to evaluate all available measures to address persistent trade deficits, including a potential global tariff on imported goods, is a prudent approach that will give the Administration time to analyze the most effective new policies and chart a path forward on future action to achieve fairer treatment and trade relations for the American people. I commend President Trump’s leadership in requiring prompt review of whether our current trade agreements are working as intended and how new agreements could improve opportunities for American farmers and workers. For far too long, other countries have felt free to impose unfair tariffs, taxes, and non-tariff barriers against American exports and businesses. The success and necessity of existing tariff policies like those established during President Trump’s first administration provide valuable lessons into how we can strategically deploy trade policies to sharpen our nation’s competitive edge, demand more reciprocal access to foreign markets for American goods, and protect our national security – including the emergency of our unsecured border and the fentanyl crisis that is poisoning Americans.
“China’s reputation for abusing trade relationships in pursuit of an unfair competitive advantage clearly calls into question whether it deserves to enjoy the benefits afforded nations under permanent normal trade relations status. I have been clear that we indeed need to review whether China should maintain such status. President Trump achieved some important wins in a Phase One Agreement, but the Biden Administration inexplicably failed to enforce the agreement for four years. It is past time to hold China accountable for its failures to live up to its obligations under this agreement. China has also repeatedly sought to abuse U.S. trade policy in many other ways – perhaps most egregiously by exploiting America’s de minimis trade privilege to evade tariffs, including those President Trump previously imposed under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. That is why the Ways and Means Committee acted last year to advance legislation aimed at closing those loopholes. I appreciate the President’s willingness to look at all possible avenues to hold China accountable and to further remove its ability to undermine America’s economic might – including across our critical supply chains.
“Over the past two years, the Ways and Means Committee has pursued an aggressive trade agenda to protect the interests of American workers and businesses. We ensured President Trump’s successful Section 301 tariffs on China remained in place as well as demanded the use of enforcement mechanisms under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement to combat the ill-treatment of American farmers and ranchers. We also approved legislation to halt the Biden Administration from redefining free trade agreements in an attempt to funnel energy tax subsidies to foreign countries and a bill making the most significant reforms in fifty years to the generalized system of preferences (GSP) to ban China from the program as well as any nation that chooses to cozy up to China economically or militarily. The Ways and Means Committee stands ready to work with the Trump Administration on utilizing every tool at our disposal to ensure American workers and businesses face a level playing field in the global economy.”
Last year, the Ways and Means Committee approved the End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act, introduced by Rep. Greg Murphy (NC-03), to curb the flow of de minimis shipments from China into the U.S. The legislation ends the de minimis privilege for any good subject to Section 301 tariffs and prohibits the use of the privilege for imports subject to other U.S. trade remedies, including national security tariffs. Click here to read a fact sheet on the End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act.
READ: Ways and Means Passes Legislation to Combat China’s Malign Influence and Protect American Workers