WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement along with a fact sheet showing President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts primarily benefited low- and middle-income families while increasing the share of taxes paid by the wealthy:
“Democrats in Washington are once again recycling the same tired talking points that House Republicans are prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy when, in reality, extending the Trump tax cuts delivers the biggest relief to working-class Americans and small businesses in a generation. Full stop. Democrats have spent years claiming they will not raise taxes on Americans making less than $400,000, but they are now united behind doing exactly that.
“The American people know Republicans, not Democrats, are the party of the working class and overwhelmingly voted for a return to President Trump’s economic playbook in November. Working families making less than $30,000 saw the largest tax cut of any income group thanks to the 2017 Republican tax law, and extending those tax cuts and delivering on President Trump’s campaign promises will provide those families with additional relief and economic certainty. It’s time for Republicans to unite behind the House budget resolution so we can unleash our nation’s economic potential and usher in the Golden Age of America.”
FACT SHEET: Correcting the Record: “Trump Tax Cuts Only Benefit the Wealthy”