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Brady, Kelly: IRS Was Weaponized Before and It Could Happen Again

June 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After the IRS denied an organization tax exempt status on the basis that certain bible teachings are politically affiliated, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Oversight Subcommittee Republican Leader Mike Kelly (R-PA) called on Commissioner Rettig to explain the discrepancy and address their concerns.

Read the full letter here. An excerpt is below.

“The IRS denial letter singles out Christians Engaged, the organization applying for tax exempt status, because the agency views bible teachings to be Republican-affiliated. […]  

“There are major concerns with this approach. First, it is widely known that Democrats also have strongly held religious beliefs. Even this week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki described President Biden as ‘a strong man of faith’ and described his beliefs as something not to be viewed ‘through a political prism.’  

“Given the strongly held beliefs in biblical teachings by politicians on both sides of the aisle, it is unfounded to conclude that biblical teachings are affiliated with any particular political party.”


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  • Noting the IRS’ dangerous approach to examining tax exempt status applicants, Reps. Brady and Kelly are demanding answers on behalf of taxpayers.

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