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Brady: President Biden’s Inflationary Policies Made a Recession Inevitable

June 20, 2022

It’s no wonder Americans are worried about a recession and an economy damaged by President Biden, who fueled inflation, denied it, and is still proposing tax hikes that will make it worse, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on the “Varney & Co.” on Fox Business in a conversation with guest host Ashley Webster.


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President Biden denied the worker crisis and inflation, and created an economy headed towards a recession.

“This administration has been in denial about inflation, about the worker crisis, and now I think this is their latest spin. Unfortunately, a recession is inevitable because President Biden made it inevitable. 


READ: Democrats Vow to Make Biden-Flation Worse


President Biden is proposing more spending and tax hikes on Main Street businesses that will drive inflation even further.

“What’s worse is that he not only doesn’t he have any plan to deal with inflation or the worker crisis, it’s the same plan he’s been using for a year and a half. He wants more massive new spending out of Washington. He’s looking at higher taxes again on Main Street businesses. That’ll drive inflation even further. He still doesn’t understand how hard it is for every type of business to find the workers they need, whether it’s to man the production floor, to assemble the products, to deliver them, or service them. He just doesn’t understand what’s going on in the economy right now. And that’s why we worry we’ll have a second quarter where the economy is shrinking.”


READ: STUDY: Top Job Creators Believe Recession is Unavoidable


Gas prices have reached $5 a gallon across the country and the worst possible way to lower them is Democrats’ attack on American energy.

“The President isn’t really interested in unleashing American energy. I know he’s trying to threaten American energy to produce more and refine more, but he’s the one who put the brakes on all this and then boasted about it and continues with climate change extremism. What’s frustrating is that even though the Permian Basin this year is going to produce more than every other country in the world except for Saudi Arabia and Russia, the President is still nixing the pipelines, the leases, the permits, and squeezing the finances for American-made energy. He’s just driving these prices higher. For families, the average family will spend $2,000 more this year for gas. That is a huge pay cut.”

READ: One-Pager: Steps to Fight Biden-Flation