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Camp Statement on Fourth Anniversary of ObamaCare

March 21, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement in advance of the fourth anniversary of President Obama signing ObamaCare into law on March 23, 2010. 

“This law has failed the American people.  Instead of lower costs and greater options, Americans are left with broken promises and unanswered questions.  Today, families and individuals are paying more for health care, seeing their hours and paychecks cut, and are losing the doctors and health coverage they have and like.  And while the Administration has handed out special favors to their political friends and big business, the average hardworking taxpayer is seeing no relief from the law’s mandates and burdens.  Adding insult to injury, just recently, Secretary Sebelius confirmed that Americans should expect to see even higher costs next year.  I believe that all Americans deserve relief from this fatally-flawed law.  Americans deserve a health care system that works for them.”
