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Fact Sheet

November 02, 2023 Support Israel. Protect the Middle Class. Redirect IRS Funding.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Republicans are redirecting $14.3 billion of the $80 billion awarded to the IRS to instead support…

Read More (Support Israel. Protect the Middle Class. Redirect IRS Funding.)
August 29, 2023 Fact Sheet: Democrats’ Drug Price-Setting Scheme Dismantles Medicare’s Promise, Undermines Seniors’ Health

The Biden Administration has announced the first 10 medications under its new Medicare price-setting plan for prescription drugs that was…

Read More (Fact Sheet: Democrats’ Drug Price-Setting Scheme Dismantles Medicare’s Promise, Undermines Seniors’ Health)
August 16, 2023 Chairman Smith: “Inflation Reduction Act” Is Welfare for the Wealthy & Well-Connected

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) was never anything other than a smoke screen for their…

Read More (Chairman Smith: “Inflation Reduction Act” Is Welfare for the Wealthy & Well-Connected)
July 12, 2023 Six Key Takeaways from the Released IRS Whistleblower Transcripts

The Ways and Means Committee recently voted to make public transcribed interviews of IRS employees assigned to the Hunter Biden…

Read More (Six Key Takeaways from the Released IRS Whistleblower Transcripts)
April 25, 2023 Factsheet: As Cost of Democrats’ Green Corporate Welfare Skyrockets, Big Business and China Profit (UPDATED)

Working families and small businesses are realizing that Democrats’ latest green subsidy scheme will cost more than promised. Not only…

Read More (Factsheet: As Cost of Democrats’ Green Corporate Welfare Skyrockets, Big Business and China Profit (UPDATED))
March 13, 2023 Biden Budget Proposes Unemployment Fraud Measures Rejected by Ways and Means Democrats

Washington, D.C. – President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget request includes several of the same fraud recovery and prevention measures…

Read More (Biden Budget Proposes Unemployment Fraud Measures Rejected by Ways and Means Democrats)
March 10, 2023 Biden’s Budget on Health Care: Medicare Cuts, Fewer Cures, Higher Drug Prices, and More Government Control.

WASHINGTON, DC – President Biden’s budget puts patients and cures last while expanding Washington command and control over America’s health care…

Read More (Biden’s Budget on Health Care: Medicare Cuts, Fewer Cures, Higher Drug Prices, and More Government Control.)