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CNN Poll: Americans’ View of Economy Worst in a Decade

May 04, 2022

American families’ view of the U.S. economy under President Biden is now the worst it’s been in a decade, according to a new CNN poll


The average American family has already lost over $5,000 in real wages and is facing higher prices at every turn from 40-year high inflation. Survey respondents cite inflation as causing financial strains and a chief reason for their dissatisfaction with the economy.


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Americans have lost confidence in the President’s competency to heal this shrinking economy.



Americans and small businesses are falling behind in an economy damaged by President Biden.

  • Experts agree Washington spending fueled inflation and has the economy shrinking towards a recession.
  • Economists warn inflation is pushing the economy into a worsening wage-price spiral and recession risks are rising.
  • While the White House continues to blame everyone but their own policies for fueling 40-year high inflation, even some moderate Democrats are warning that government spending sent prices soaring and Americans should brace for higher and longer inflation ahead.