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ICYMI: Chairman Smith Announces Ways and Means Committee will Consider New Whistleblower Evidence

December 01, 2023

The Committee will convene an Executive Session to hear from the IRS whistleblowers and consider the additional evidence on Tuesday, December 5th.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08), alongside Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-04) and Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (KY-01), joined Fox News host Sean Hannity to discuss the latest on Congress’ impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. During the interview, Chairman Smith announced the Ways and Means Committee will hold a third Executive Session with the IRS whistleblowers on Tuesday, December 5th to consider additional evidence supporting their previous testimony in front of the Ways and Means Committee which exposed President Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence peddling scheme, as well as how IRS investigators were blocked from pursuing any investigative lead that would have led them to Joe Biden. Additionally, evidence previously provided to the Committee by these whistleblowers shed light on a coordinated campaign at the Department of Justice to shield the president’s son, Hunter Biden, from justice for numerous tax crimes.


Click here or on the image above to watch the full interview.

Interview excerpt:

Chairman Smith: “Next week, Sean, we’re having those two brave whistleblowers come back before our committee. In fact, they have been giving us additional documentation that will help with this investigation. But one thing that we have to pay close attention to: those checks that Chairman Comer released that were “loan payments” to President Biden. What’s quite interesting, if you look at the public tax returns of President Biden, there’s no documentation of any interest income that he reported. So, if in fact those are loans, wouldn’t you charge interest? We have a lot of questions [for] President Biden, and the whistleblowers have done an incredible job, Sean, by giving us the evidence, the documentation to show exactly how the Justice Department has not been following a proper investigation.”

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READ: Smith: Testimony of IRS Employees Reveals Biden IRS, DOJ Interfered in Tax Investigation of Hunter Biden, Revealing Preferential Treatment for Wealthy and Politically Connected