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ICYMI: Hunter Biden’s Business Associates Enjoyed White House Dinners, Flights on Air Force 2

October 06, 2023

Whistleblower documents released by the Ways and Means Committee show an indisputable connection between then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s business dealings. In February of 2014, Joe Biden hosted Hunter Biden and two business associates, Mexican billionaire Miguel Aleman and his father, at the White House. Hunter Biden subsequently contacted a White House photographer to obtain a photograph from the visit.

Three months later, Hunter Biden emailed Devon Archer, saying, “We need to get to Mexico City and cement deal w/ Miguel.” Astonishingly, the documents show Joe Biden later used taxpayer dollars to fly Hunter Biden and a business associate to Mexico City on Air Force Two.

Chairman Smith said, “The American people deserve to know whether a connection existed between Joe Biden’s meeting with billionaire Miguel Aleman and official government activity, as well as whether any of his actions as Vice President helped advance his son’s business interests in Mexico City. The timing of these meetings combined with flights of the Vice President’s plane raise serious questions of possible government corruption, and it is hard to believe the timing of these events are just a coincidence.”

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READ: ICYMI: New Documents Link Biden Family Influence Peddling Scheme to 23 Countries, Four Continents