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ICYMI: New Evidence Reveals Justice Department Blocked Investigation Into Potential Biden Campaign Finance Violations

October 13, 2023

IRS investigators were blocked by the Department of Justice from investigating potential campaign finance violations by the Biden campaign according to new evidence released by the Ways and Means Committee provided by IRS whistleblowers. The documents reveal more specifics on how the Justice Department frequently refused to investigate leads that could have implicated or led to Joe Biden.

In one instance, handwritten notes from a January 2022 call taken by an IRS whistleblower show Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf was not “personally” interested in looking into a potential campaign finance violation. The allegation centers on Hollywood lawyer and major Democrat donor Kevin Morris spending $2 million to pay Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes.

In 2020, the same year Joe Biden became the Democrat’s nominee for President, Kevin Morris began paying the unpaid taxes of the son of a former Vice President and potential next President. Outside reportingconfirmed that not only did Morris pay his unpaid taxes, but he also bought Hunter Biden’s artwork and controls the first son’s 10 percent stake in a Chinese private equity firm, BHR. In an FBI interview, James Biden, the President’s brother, testified he “didn’t know why” Morris was paying Hunter Biden’s taxes.

Despite this evidence, the IRS investigation that may have revealed a connection between President Biden’s campaign and Hunter Biden’s tax fraud was stopped cold.

“It is reasonable to ask who requested that Kevin Morris cover Hunter Biden’s tax liability or whether he received something in return for his more than $2 million dollars in payments to someone that he barely knew,” said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08). “One of the biggest benefits to the Joe Biden presidential campaign in 2020 was Kevin Morris trying to cover the tracks of Hunter’s mounting legal troubles. Moreover, the American people deserve to know why when IRS investigators smelled a potential campaign finance violation and wanted to investigate the matter further, the Justice Department moved to shut down the investigation.”

In remarks after releasing these documents, Chairman Smith highlighted why this information is so disconcerting: “Another piece of evidence implicating Joe Biden and, in this case, his presidential campaign, stopped dead in its tracks.”

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