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Op-Ed: Biden’s Washington-Controlled Child Care Means Higher Costs, Fewer Choices

January 12, 2022

President Biden’s Washington-controlled subsidized child care will leave American families facing higher costs, less access to affordable care, and fewer choices. With Bidenflation already robbing workers’ paychecks, American families can’t afford Democrats’ Toddler Tax.


The Detroit News editorial board writes Democrats’ plan…


  • RAISES COSTS FOR ALL FAMILIES: “Democrats want to cap what most parents spend on child care at 7% of their income. This subsidy would be phased in over time, so while it may initially benefit lower-income families, other families would very likely be stuck with a higher tab as child-care centers raise costs to meet new salary demands and other mandates in the bill.
  • “Those costs would rise for all families, not just the ones who qualify for subsidies, meaning that for many Americans the financial burden of child care would actually increase.
  • RESULTS IN FEWER OPTIONS: “‘The federal government would set the rules for what it means to be a ‘quality’ child care or preschool provider, and only government-approved providers would be eligible for the subsidies,’ writes John Schoof, an expert in education policy at the Heritage Foundation. ‘This would put small, independent providers at a huge disadvantage.’”
  • STRAINS FAMILY BUDGETS: “Such a massive and costly expansion of child care will only further fuel the inflation hurting families, and it could ultimately take away options parents currently enjoy.”


CLICK HERE to read the full editorial.




President Biden’s child care plan will cost working families at least $27,000 more a year.

  • Over half of families with two kids who pay for child care would be forced to pay a $27,000 Toddler Tax under Democrats’ Washington takeover of child care, according to a study by Casey Mulligan, a University of Chicago professor who previously served as chief economist of the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration.
  • States already have more child-care money than they know what to do with, yet Democrats’ insist on creating new duplicative programs as part of their $5 trillion tax-and-spend bill.


READ: Toddler Tax Now Costs Families $27,000 as Democrats Push Washington Takeover of Child Care


Democrats’ one-size-fits all socialist solution puts Washington – not parents – in control and leaves parents with less options.

  • Working families will be left with one choice: a “Washington directed” provider. 
  • Democrats continue their attack on affordable and convenient faith-based care by expressly prohibiting religious child care providers from receiving funds.


With Bidenflation already robbing workers’ paychecks, American families can’t afford President Biden’s Toddler Tax.


READ: Top 5 Reasons to Oppose Democrats’ Toddler Tax