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POLL: 63 Percent of Americans Feel Uneasy As Bidenflation Soars 

May 26, 2022

A majority of Americans report feeling “uneasy about the state of the country,” say things in America are “going badly,” and feel that the economy is “bad,” as prices continue to rise and optimism plummets in an economy damaged by the Biden Administration. 

Families’ incomes have fallen for seven straight months under President Biden, so it’s not surprising that pessimism about the national economy is growing, with 74 percent of Americans saying America is headed in the wrong direction. Even most Democrats now agree with this sentiment.

Democrats’ answer to Americans’ concerns? Crippling tax hikes, blame games, and gimmicks

READ: Gas Prices Reach New Record Highs – Biden’s Tax Plans Will Make Them Worse

The poll found:

  • President Biden’s Policies Have Been Disastrous for the Economy: At least 69 percent of Americans say the economy is bad, up from 63 percent in April.
  • Bidenflation Continues to Hammer Families and Workers: Nearly 80 percent percent of Americans are pessimistic about the “cost of goods and services” in the next few months.
  • Americans Have Lost Confidence in the President’s Competency To Heal This Shrinking Economy: When important issues arise, 65 percent of Americans believe President Biden is slow to react.Fifty-five percent of Americans are also pessimistic about retirement with 67 percent report being pessimistic about the prospects of the stock market. 

CLICK HERE to read the poll.


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