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Risk of Biden Blackouts Rising as Energy Prices Soar

June 01, 2022

As gas prices continue to reach new heights and predictions that prices will surpass $6 per gallon by August, another energy crisis is emerging: rolling blackouts. 

Following a report that up to two thirds of the country could face blackouts this summer as a result of Washington Democrats’ policies, the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote:

“We’ve been warning for years that climate policies would make the grid more vulnerable to vacillations in supply and demand. And here we are. Some of the mainstream press are belatedly catching on that blackouts are coming, but they still don’t grasp the real problem: The forced transition to green energy is distorting energy markets and destabilizing the grid.”

Democrats’ answer to this energy crisis? “Accelerating” their Green New Deal agenda with $145 billion in tax hikes on traditional Made-in-America energy and $550 billion in green welfare subsidies to special interests and the wealthy.


As Democrats Attack American-Made Energy, Americans Suffer:

  • Skyrocketing gas prices will now cost the average American household an extra $2,800 per year. Just this year, Americans will spend $5,000 on gas, a 78 percent increase from a year ago.
  • Nearly two thirds of Americans say rising gas prices have prompted them to cut household expenses, according to a recent survey.
  • One New Jersey resident shared that he has started walking to get his groceries to avoid paying higher gas costs.

READ: Gas Prices Reach New Record Highs – Biden’s Tax Plans Will Make Them Worse

Democrats Have Worsened the Energy Crisis:

  • The first step President Biden took in office was canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and freezing leases for new exploration.
  • Last month, the Biden Administration canceled oil and gas lease sales in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The Biden Administration also drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest level since 1987. And it’s not even helping – as one expert pointed out, since President Biden started releasing oil from the SPR, oil prices are up 41 percent and diesel is up 52 percent.

READ: FACT CHECK: The Real Reason Behind High Energy Costs

Democrats’ Tax Hikes Would Push Prices Even Higher:

READ: ONE PAGER: If Fighting Inflation is Dems’ Top Priority, Why Won’t They Work With GOP?