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Support Continues to Grow for the House GOP Pro-Growth Tax Reform Blueprint

March 17, 2017

In his Joint Address to Congress on February 28, 2017, President Trump called for bold tax reform that will allow our country to “compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone.” House Republicans are ready to deliver. Our pro-growth tax reform Blueprint will unleash U.S. economic growth and provide unprecedented simplicity and fairness for all taxpayers.

As Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said today:

“We need to go as low as we can, but here’s the key thing. We know what our competitors are doing in China, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and so the goal is to make sure we leapfrog back into that lead pack of the most pro-growth tax codes on the planet. To do that, rates alone aren’t enough—they can help—but they’re not enough because our competitors are driving much newer, faster models of tax codes.”

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, job creators, and organizations representing American workers continue to voice their support for the tax reform Blueprint: 

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House

“The first major step Congress should take is to reform the tax system so companies are incentivized to invest and build factories in the United States and create good-paying jobs. Speaker Paul Ryan has a plan that will do these things through a border adjustment tax, which is the right first step toward tax reform.” 

National Black Chamber of Commerce

“The proposed blueprint’s border adjustment provision will also level the playing field for African American-owned businesses, allowing for more job creation and investment back into our communities.” 

Semiconductor Industry Association

“The ‘Better Way’ corporate tax reform blueprint would make America’s corporate tax system more competitive and allow U.S. semiconductor companies to grow, innovate, and create more jobs here in the United States.” 

CEOs of 16 American Companies

“A critical element of the House blueprint is the provision that ensures goods and services produced abroad face the same tax burden as those produced in the United States…It would effectively end the “Made in America” tax that creates an unfair advantage for foreign-based companies at the expense of U.S. jobs and economic growth.” 

American Made Coalition

“American workers and businesses are not competing today on a level playing field with foreign competitors because of an outdated and unfair tax system… House tax reform blueprint has the best chance of moving real transformative tax reform for the first time in more than 30 years.” 

Aerospace Industries Association (330 Aerospace and Defense Companies)

“The United States needs a modern system which creates a level playing field with the rest of the world in order to locate jobs, manufacturing, and profits inside the United States. We believe that these are the principles which drive the Better Way tax blueprint…”

S&P Global

“The House Ways and Means Republican Blueprint…represents a bold approach to reforming the U.S. tax code to promote growth. Lowering the corporate income tax rate while broadening the base through eliminating preference is a desirable outcome as it would ‘level the playing field’ with our foreign competitors.”

Ken Langone, Co-Founder of Home Depot

“A border tax, if we have a long point of view, will be a phenomenal engine for growth in America… The border adjustment tax will work … for retailers, but [they’ve] got to think beyond the next quarter or the next six months.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about the House Republican tax reform Blueprint.

CLICK HERE to learn more about ending the “Made in America” tax.