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June 17, 2009 Health Care Solutions Group Plan

Click here to view the Health Care Solutions Group Outlines Health Care Plan to Increase Affordability, Accountability, Availability. ###

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May 13, 2009 Part D Silver Lining in Tuesday’s Trustees Report

While the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Report contained much bad news, there was a silver lining: competition has created…

Read More (Part D Silver Lining in Tuesday’s Trustees Report)
April 23, 2009 MEMO: Effect of President Obama’s and congressional Democrats’ proposed tax increases

To:       Reporters and EditorsRe:       Effect of President Obama’s and congressional Democrats’ proposed tax increases            on small business activity Da:       Thursday, April…

Read More (MEMO: Effect of President Obama’s and congressional Democrats’ proposed tax increases)
April 01, 2009 Obama Budget: Creating the Largest Welfare Program in U.S. History

Attached is a presentation detailing how President Obama’s budget raises energy taxes on every American, prodding Democrats to create a…

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January 28, 2009 Summary of Camp-Cantor Substitute to H.R. 1

Immediate Tax Relief and Assistance for Working Families: • Rate Reductions and AMT Relief:  Lowers, for 2009 and 2010, the…

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January 13, 2009 Democrats Blowing Smoke on SCHIP Funding

Democrats have decided to pay for their proposal for a massive SCHIP expansion, which dilutes the focus on poor children,…

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January 06, 2009 Surprise: Democrats Make it Easier to Increase, Harder to Cut Taxes

Washington D.C. – Ways & Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI)issued the following statement today in response to a proposed…

Read More (Surprise: Democrats Make it Easier to Increase, Harder to Cut Taxes)
January 06, 2009 Democrats’ Rules Package Threatens Medicare Solvency

-Today, House Democrats will attempt to block a requirement that would force the House to debate proposals that would protect…

Read More (Democrats’ Rules Package Threatens Medicare Solvency)