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The Prescription Pad

October 28, 2014 NYT Wrong, Again, on ObamaCare

Yesterday, The New York Times, a consistent cheerleader for ObamaCare, questions: Is the Affordable Care Act Working?  It should come…

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September 10, 2014 IRS: “Wherever we can, we follow the law”

Today, IRS Commissioner Koskinen painted a clear picture of how the IRS plans on “overseeing” billions of dollars in taxpayer…

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July 31, 2014 Prescription Pad: Medicare Part D – A Program Working for Seniors and Taxpayers

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released a report showing how the successful Part D program has harnessed competition and private sector…

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July 01, 2014 Administration Sends Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Out the Door Without Income Verification

Today, the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report revealing that the Administration did not…

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May 12, 2014 An ObamaCare Statement That Actually Came True

Then: Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius: “I think premiums are likely to go up” – Ways and Means Committee…

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April 07, 2014 Democrats’ Medicare Advantage Cuts Hurt Seniors

Today, CMS outlined the ObamaCare cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA) as part of its 2015 rate notice.  While CMS relented…

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March 21, 2014 Camp Statement on Fourth Anniversary of ObamaCare

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement in advance of the…

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March 20, 2014 Reality Check: ObamaCare Will Increase Costs

Myth: Minority Leader Pelosi: “Pelosi also emphasized that health law’s name, the Affordable Care Act, is important because it describes…

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February 18, 2014 Democrats Refuse to Accept ObamaCare Hurts Jobs

MYTH:“There is absolutely no evidence, and every economist will tell you this, that there is any job-loss related to the…

Read More (Democrats Refuse to Accept ObamaCare Hurts Jobs)