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To Help American Families, It’s Time to Stop Democrats’ Endless Emergency Spending

June 04, 2021

Top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) today appeared on Fox Business where he outlined new analysis that shows it is long-past time for Democrats’ endless emergency spending to stop.


In a conversation with Neil Cavuto, Rep. Brady said:


“If we want to help families build their lives and rebuild the U.S. economy for the long term, it’s time for the emergency spending and the endless government checks to end. We really need to focus on job opportunities for these folks.”


ANALYSIS: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress



Watch the full interview HERE.




To help American families rebuild their livelihoods and rebuild our economic recovery, Democrats’ emergency spending must end. 

  • When Americans needed COVID relief, Congress delivered unprecedented relief.
  • The average family of four with both parents out of work will receive at least $109,000 in federal government assistance through September of this year.

Republicans have unveiled a new family leave and child care package that puts American families and Main Street businesses first.

  • Democrats’ one-size-fits-all mandate puts Washington first, and permanently lowers American families’ paychecks.
  • Republicans’ proposal provides greater flexibility and access to paid family and medical leave and affordable childcare.

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure cannot be paid for on the backs of blue-collar workers and working families.