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Yet Another Poll Finds Most Americans Worse Off Financially Today Than a Year Ago

June 30, 2022

In President Biden’s cruel economy, more than half of all Americans say they’re “worse off financially” today than a year ago, according to a recent survey. And with little expectation that prices will ease up, 39 percent of Americans say they expect to be worse off financially a year from now – a new record.

The survey echoes the findings of similar studies, which show Americans’ expectations for the next six months have plummeted to a near-decade low.

While the Administration continues to try and pass the buck to Putin, the survey found that the vast majority of Americans, including 78 percent of Independents, disapprove of the President’s handling of inflation. 


The survey found:

Americans are suffering. 

  • As prices continue to skyrocket, nine in 10 Americans are concerned about inflation, while 70 percent are “very concerned.” 
  • A third of Americans anticipate prices will rise by 10 percent or more over the next year.

READ: Report: Biden-Flation Forces Majority of Americans to Make Steep Cuts

Americans are bracing for more suffering. 

  • At least 52 percent of Americans believe they are worse off financially today than they were a year ago. 
  • When asked about the future, 39 percent expect to be worse off financially a year from now. Both findings were the highest share in the survey’s history. 

READ: Americans’ Economic Expectations for the Next Six Months: Gloom, Grim, and Glum

Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation – and now believe we’re in a recession. 

  • With inflation accelerating, two thirds of Americans – including 78 percent of Independents – disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation. 
  • Nearly half of Americans believe the U.S. is already in a recession or a depression. 

READ: Poll: Even Dems Blame Biden for Soaring Inflation