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SIGNED INTO LAW: First Overhaul of Nation’s Tax Code in 31 Years

December 22, 2017

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), lead author of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, today released the following statement after President Donald Trump signed this historic legislation into law:

“Today is truly a historic day for the American people. By signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, President Trump put our nation’s broken tax code behind us and ignited a new era of American prosperity. This legislation will deliver real relief to hardworking families in my district and across the country who will be able to keep more of the money they earn. It will create more opportunities for workers to find that next new job, earn that long-overdue raise, and get ahead. And it will revitalize our economy so American businesses can once again compete and win anywhere in the world – but especially here at home.

“As I’ve said before, comprehensive tax reform is the biggest legislative challenge of any generation. But with President Trump’s leadership, we were able to overcome that challenge and deliver on our promise to the American people. I’m proud to say there will be a new tax code – a pro-growth, pro-family, pro-America tax code – in the New Year.”

CLICK HERE to see how much tax relief the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will deliver to middle-income families in every Congressional district who will take the new, larger standard deduction.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Ways and Means Committee’s path to pro-growth tax reform.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.