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Democrats Vow to Make Biden-Flation Worse

June 17, 2022

Despite record high gas prices and working families’ paychecks falling further behind, once again, Democrats are revisiting their on-again, off-again plans for crippling tax hikes and runaway spending, according to reports.

In an interview with the Associated Press, President Biden dismisses the growing risk of recession and doubles down on his crippling tax hikes and runaway spending, which will worsen inflation.

Make no mistake: Even a “slimmed down version of Democrats’ plans would worsen Biden-Flation by imposing at least $1 trillion in crippling tax hikes on working families and Main Street businesses. 


Americans are suffering and oppose President Biden’s tax hikes.

READ: POLL: As Biden-Flation Accelerates, Majority of Americans Are Bracing for Even Higher Prices Ahead

President Biden’s highest-in-the-world tax rate would kill jobs, slash family wages across income levels. 

READ: President Biden Still Seeking Tax Hikes on Battered Main Street

President Biden doesn’t have a plan to fight inflation – and is vowing to make it worse.

  • President Biden and congressional Democrats are out of touch with the challenges American families face.
  • The White House recently reconsidered sending out “gas cards” as a gimmick to deal with high energy costs – but even Democrats have expressed worry that the increase in spending would worsen inflation
  • Mark Zandi, the White House’s preferred economic forecaster, says the Build Back Better bill will worsen inflation: “None of these ideas so far will help to a meaningful degree, and could do some harm because they could juice up demand at a time supply is constrained by the pandemic and worsen inflation.”
  • Republicans have outlined six steps to fight inflation. 

WATCH: Brady: Even “Slimmed Down” Build Back Better Means Over $1 Trillion in Crippling Tax Hikes on Small Biz

READ: One-Pager: Steps to Fight Biden-flation