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REMINDER: Even Dems Worry Biden Bucks “Gas Card” Gimmick Will Worsen Inflation

June 17, 2022

Gas prices have more than doubled since the day President Biden took office, costing Americans more than $5 per gallon. While looking for someone to blame, the Washington Post reports that the White House is also mulling Biden Bucks “gas cards.”

Back in March, when the price of gas was on average $4.23, Axios reported that this gimmick was rejected by Democrat officials who worried “gas cards” would worsen inflation while doing nothing to lower energy costs.

As inflation continues to accelerate, these Democrat officials were correct to worry then and they are correct now: The Biden Bucks “gas card” gimmick will do nothing to lower the cost of energy. 

Bottom Line: If Democrats want to get serious about getting our economy back on track, they’ll abandon their plans for crippling tax hikes – including their proposal to levy $145 billion tax hike on American-made energy – and work with Republicans to cut wasteful spending and red tape, lower taxes, boost investment, and unleash domestic energy production. 

READ: One-Pager: Steps to Fight Biden-flation

READ: WSJ: Republicans Have a Plan to Fight Biden-Flation

READ: ALERT: Even Democrats Worry More Government Spending Will Worsen Inflation

READ: Fact Check: The Real Reason Behind High Energy Costs