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Facts Are Stubborn Things

October 15, 2014 U.S. Child Poverty Rates by Family Structure in Context

Facts: “Almost 46 percent of children living in female headed single parent families were in poverty in contrast to only…

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September 03, 2014 “By Almost Every Measure,” Economic Reality Tells a Different Story than the President’s Rosy Rhetoric

Political Rhetoric “By almost every measure, the American economy, the American workers are better off than when I took office,”…

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June 20, 2014 Koskinen: Please Ignore the Hard Drive on Ms. Flax’s Laptop

Then: Hard Drives UnrecoverableWhen asked earlier this week if there were any data or hardware crashes similar to Lois Lerner’s…

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April 07, 2014 Reviewing Democrat Promises on Jobs and Unemployment Benefits

 First, Democrats promised their trillion-dollar stimulus plan would create millions of jobs.  It didn’t. Democrat projection of job creation after…

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March 27, 2014 EUC History Lesson

The Federal Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program expired in December, after providing record amounts of financial assistance to over 24…

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October 09, 2013 Is Part-Time Work “Going Down,” as Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius Says?

“Economists say there is absolutely no evidence that part time work is going up.  In fact, it’s going down.  The…

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September 24, 2013 Fact Check Pelosi: “There’s No More Cuts to Make”

Over the weekend, Minority Leader Pelosi (D-CA) made the false claim that there is not a single area where Congress…

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July 29, 2013 IRS: It Wasn’t Less Than 1%, It Was 3%!

In a June 2013 response to the Ways and Means Committee, the IRS identified 65 million documents potentially responsive to…

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June 24, 2013 Being on a BOLO is Different than Being Targeted and Abused by the IRS

   Tea Party Progressives  On a BOLO  Yes  Yes Had donors threatened  Yes  No evidence Had confidential information leaked  Yes…

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