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Democrats Continue to Threaten Crippling Tax Hikes That Would Worsen Bidenflation

May 24, 2022

After having set this Memorial Day weekend as a deadline for pushing through President Biden’s crippling tax hikes, Democrats are once again running out of time. As reported by The Hill:

“Senate Democratic sources say there’s no chance of getting a deal this week but they argue that doesn’t necessarily mean the negotiations over a long-awaited budget reconciliation package are doomed.”

These tax increases would come amid 40-year high inflation that is robbing workers’ paychecks and leaving families falling further behind.

The Biden Administration continues to play the blame game for higher prices, while Democrats in Congress consider gimmicks that even former Obama-Biden White House economic advisor Jason Furman slammed as “genuinely terrible ideas.”


American Families Are Suffering and Biden’s Tax Hikes Would Make it Worse.

READ: Democrats’ Tax Hikes Will Only Worsen Bidenflation

READ: Americans Receive Largest Pay Cut in 40 Years

Americans Have Lost Confidence in the President’s Competency To Heal This Shrinking Economy.

  • President Biden’s approval rating hit a new low of 39 percent, with 56 percent of Americans saying they disapprove. 
  • At least 85 percent of Americans believe the U.S. will be in recession in the next year, as rising costs rob more of workers’ paychecks.
  • Even Mark Zandi, the White House’s preferred economic forecaster, says the Build Back Better bill will worsen inflation: “None of these ideas so far will help to a meaningful degree, and could do some harm because they could juice up demand at a time supply is constrained by the pandemic and worsen inflation.” 

READ: POLL: 65 Percent of Americans Can’t Keep Up with Bidenflation, As President’s Approval Rating Hits New Low

READ: POLL: Four in Five Americans Say U.S. is Headed Toward Recession

Democrats Have Refused to Work with the GOP to Fight Inflation.

READ: ONE PAGER: If Fighting Inflation is Dems’ Top Priority, Why Won’t They Work With GOP?

READ: Democrats’ “War on Energy” Includes $145 Billion in Taxes on American Energy Companies, Workers, and Consumers