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January 23, 2018 Congress Delivers More Relief from Obamacare Taxes

Yesterday, President Trump signed into law a Continuing Resolution (CR) that includes major health care priorities for the American people –…

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February 17, 2017 Obamacare is Collapsing. House Republicans Are Moving Forward with a #BetterWay

President Obama’s failing health care law continues to collapse before our very eyes. Earlier this week, another major insurer, Humana, announced its departure from…

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February 16, 2017 Brady Lays Out Next Steps on Repealing and Replacing Obamacare

House Republicans are continuing to work on legislation that will repeal Obamacare and lay the groundwork for a patient-centered, 21st…

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February 14, 2017 Republicans Propose Reforms to Deliver Relief, Move Forward with 21st Century Health Care

House Republicans this week are continuing to work on solutions that will provide relief from Obamacare and lay the groundwork for health…

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February 04, 2017 Brady: Enrollment Numbers Only Tell a Fraction of Obamacare’s Disappointing Story

Today, the Department of Health and Human Services again fell short of its projected enrollment numbers for Obamacare—this time by…

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February 02, 2017 Delivering Americans a 21st Century Health Care “Backpack”

Before Obamacare was signed into law, the Joint Economic Committee—led by Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and then-Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS)—released…

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January 27, 2017 VIDEO: W&M Members Speak Out About Their Constituents Who Have Been Hurt By Obamacare

Earlier this week, the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee held a hearing to examine why, under Obamacare, premiums are skyrocketing…

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January 24, 2017 In Their Own Words: How Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Hurts Workers, Families, Job Creators

Today, the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), held its first hearing of the 115th…

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January 23, 2017 ICYMI – Chairman Brady Op-Ed in Washington Examiner: Putting patients back in control of healthcare

Putting patients back in control of healthcare Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) Washington Examiner January 23, 2017 In 2010, President Obama and Democrats…

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